
The Family Cemetery

How does one initiate a family cemetery? What are the laws regarding this...the rules...etc?
I have never had a need for a cemetery until my mother passed away two years ago. What does one DO with the remains of those you love once they have passed? Right now, my mother's remains rest in a jar on a window ledge in Vero Beach, Florida. Has she become a decorative piece...no longer noticed or appreciated? I wonder...."Is that how I would want it?"
With cremation the least expensive option for those recently deceased, I believe there are many questions that need asked and answered in every family....before that "need" occurs.

I spent this past weekend contemplating those questions, while helping build a private family cemetery in central Texas.

Is there a need to place a relative's earthly remains in a plot? 
If one decides to be cremated, do the ashes get distributed in small urn-like "parting gifts" so that everyone gets a "piece of dad?"
When does one discuss death with family members?
Would it be insensitive to throw a mother's ashes onto the sea?
How about the placement of a simple marker to note one's prior existence?
What difference does cremation versus bodily burial make to the survivors?
How many people actually visit relatives in the cemetery and how often?
Who gets buried in the "family" cemetery? Immediate families, blood relatives, close friends,etc...
Who maintains the cemetery?
Should a cemetery trust be established to sell plots to family members to establish a fund for upkeep...and/or just ask for yearly donations?

Lots of pondering about

Where and with whom do I want to be interred?
Who will administrate my death?
How do I want to be disposed?


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